Sad day for the UK

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I remember seeing the Harrier at the Airshow in Værløse years ago, that particular plane has always impressed me with its vertical take-off/landing abilities - awesome plane!
I'm sad to see it go, but hopefully it'll make room for newer and better planes and ships.
If it doesn't, I'll come after whoever decides such things!!!
Remember when the put one down in a coal yard near Paddington Station when breaking the Trans Atlantic record from (I think) New York Central to Paddington Station.

Quote from RAF History file:
'A Harrier of No. 1 Sqn wins the Daily Mail London - New York transatlantic air race. The flight involves 4 air-to-air refuellings and took 6 hr 11 min 57 sec'


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My personal memory was at an airshow when the Harrier was brand new into service. Everything and everybody stopped to watch this until then impossible performance. I do mean everyone and everything. The crowd stopped talking, the stalls stopped selling, other air and ground crews stopped what they were doing, the gash vans stopped, everyone stopped to watch. Something I will never see again unless a UFO turns up at a show
The crowd stopped talking, the stalls stopped selling, other air and ground crews stopped what they were doing, the gash vans stopped, everyone stopped to watch. Something I will never see again unless a UFO turns up at a show

Okay, I have to ask... WTF is a "gash van"??

In the states that would be an old 1970's van that contained ladies of ill repute, drug habits and likely sexual diseases that have repetative occurrences of outbreaks.
Okay, I have to ask... WTF is a "gash van"??

In the states that would be an old 1970's van that contained ladies of ill repute, drug habits and likely sexual diseases that have repetative occurrences of outbreaks.

Gash van - The vans going around the display emptying the rubbish bins to stop them overflowing.

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