SB2C-4 Helldiver 72 Scale WIP

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Jan 19, 2012
Hello all......

..............Please allow me the opportunity to introduce myself...............My name is Ben Jakobsen. I've been involved in the creation of master patterns and all types of museum and collectible models for over 25 years now. My personal interests lie in anything miniature, and currently, I'm finishing up a 72 scale Academy Helldiver that's been on and off for just over five years.
I've posted a few pics and hope you enjoy them. A full log of my build as well as other models may be seen at my Fotki Album, and I certainly hope you go there and enjoy your visit. Please share the link with everyone and drop a line.

In the meantime, I hope my works give you many hours of enjoyment.......

The model is being colored to represent one that was operational at N.A.M.U in Johnsville Pennsylvania. I got my inspiration from Rodney Williams who built and posted a 48 scale version over at Hellenic Modelers.

Thanks everyone for looking, and I hope you voice your critiques or comments, both positive or negative. I'm always interested to hear.

All the best from my desk to yours,
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.........I'm thanking you all here, since I don't officially know each of your names. I appreciate the welcome and look forward to having more time to xplore the site and get to see some of the works going on.
I hope you stay tuned for the rest of my build and that it allows me to impart some of the things I know.

All the best
Wurger..............thanks for the welcome and compliments. I've been spending quite awhile in te show galleries, and must say there are some very talented people out there. It's going to take weeks to catch up and go through this site, but if it's any indication, it will all be very enjoyable time spent.

All the best
ummmmmm.............I'll choose the million dollar category Names in a Place Alex..................Wayne Little...........hehehe.

I hope we all get to know each other.

Kind regards
Gnomey and Airframe...............thanks for the welcome and the kudos. I hope the build is enjoyable and that you'll follow the remainder.......

I know I'm really new here, but these next pics are for all of you to look over and tell me the truth without worrying about my feelings. It's been a very long time since I painted, having worked solely on the creation of patterns. This left no time for personal models, so going back into the painting arena has posed somewhat of a challenge to me. I need your eyes to help me bypass my personal tunnel vision, so here goes.............

the first steps of weathering and breathing life into her.....................

Thanks alot you guys,
All the best
Looking good so far. Maybe tone down the panel lines on the fin a touch - soften them to look more realistic?

Airframes, and others.............I've been trying to find your names so I can address you by them rather han your callsigns. I think I agree here. I read your comment and went and had a good look, and it could use some toning down. I'm going to be giving a final thin coat of the original yellow when everythings done, so I expect that will help, but in the meantime, I'll brush it back a bit.

Thanks for the critique. You guys are doing exactly what these out of practice eyes need.

Kind regrds
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Yup, with Terry on that one but I like the way you're going about it. Where are you "based" Ben?

I'm a little north of you Crimea.............Edmonton. We should get together next time either of us are in each others territory. Thanks for stepping up and giving your opinion. It's needed.

All the best

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