Sharpies as a panel line "highlighter"? (1 Viewer)

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Staff Sergeant
Oct 31, 2012
Austin, TX
Hey, All,
As I sit here removing black Sharpie from furniture (over excited 5 yr old), it hit me.... can Sharpie be used as an undercoat for panel lines? Has anyone ever tried this? I am assuming it will not work due to the fact that you can actually remove Sharpie with a dry erase marker (the 5 yr old will learn to rejoice in that fact some day when he can grasp the concept of long, slow, beatings better - ). I am assuming enamels will "dissolve" Sharpie ink. However, that may not be such a bad thing. That could dampen the "highlighting" yet still make for a subtle finish enhancement. Am I making sense at all? I think the fumes are getting to me.
I've not tried what you suggest but I have used .2mm artist's ink pens for making cockpit placards and such and they work well provided you let the ink fully dry.
I used a sharpie in the panels lines "ONCE". I thought a day was sufficient drying time. Six coats of brush painted acrylic Azure Blue later, it looked ok. Maybe do a drying time test on the inside of a wing or some other plastic piece first.

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I was wondering the same myself so I found a guy on youtube who was using FABER CASTELL artist pens on panel lines. I decided to try this on my Spit XIV . it should be done soon so you guys can be the judge on whether it works or not. Jim
If you want a quick professional looking thing to it, just use reguler 0.5mm led pencil and cover the panel lines before or after, I usually use it after if the plane needs minor weathering, if you do it before you need a very light coat over it, almost just a spray of the airbrush, like -psh psh and thats it.
I'll get some pics up soon in my I-16 build and I'll try to show it off, since I'm using very little weathering on it.
Now that's funny Paul, mine makes the same noise...
I had looked at one that goes I-watta-watta, but it was way too expensive at the time.
Mine makes Badger noises, thats why I was like psh psh lol it might be a bit of a foreign noise to Pasche owners :S
Man, you guys just crack me up. All I know, is after an evening of spraying in a closed room, my Paasche makes veeeerrryyyy sexy sounds at me. It is either the brush or the dog is stoned on fumes.
I put a plastic trash-bag over my head and the model while wearing a head-lamp; no need to waste the best part of the toxic paint.

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