Thanks all.
As it was a lovely sunny day today, with temperature at 65 C (unusual for this time of year), I took advantage of this, and only got to the bench at around 19.00 hrs.
I had hoped to have the primer on by now, and possibly the 'Aluminium' paint too, but I've been delayed slightly, due to what appears to be a small 'moulding error' in the kit (unless I've missed something, which is possible).
The oil coolers, which fit beneath each engine cowl, are
supposed to locate into slots, but there aren't any slots, unless they have been moulded internally, and 'flashed over', and I missed this.
I now need to drill and cut slots, before fitting the oil coolers, and also fit the carb intakes, the plan being to do this 'out of sequence', and fit the engines and cowlings after painting the model, allowing me to fit these as complete, painted units, along with the props and their retaining 'washers'.
I also need to fill sink holes in the oil coolers and the carb intakes. The resin parts include better, longer intakes, but a couple of them are slightly deformed, so the kit parts will have to be used, suitably modified.
The engine assemblies will then be fitted, after painting and masking, and the props will just be 'push fitted' at the end of the build.
I hope to get this completed later tonight, or by tomorrow at the latest, and then continue with the painting stages.
Meanwhile, the canopy frames have been painted in the internal colour, and the joints sealed and blended-in, with the forward windows and the astrodome aperture masked with PVA.
All being well, I should have some pics later tomorrow.