Thanks Geo.
All decals are done, and the broken roundel has been replaced.
Just about finished, with all the remaining bits assembled and painted, ready to fit once the fuselage windows have been glazed.
I tried one window using Humbrol Clear Fix, but I wasn't happy with the way it worked out (before it set), as it's quite 'heavy' stuff, so I'll do them all using ordinary PVA, which is much easier to 'stretch' across the openings to form a 'film'.
Slightly behind my target finish time, due to spending ages cleaning up the props, and sanding them back to shape - all the blades were attached to the sprue by their tips, as well as the prop hub also being attached, which left quite prominent 'blobs' on the ends and surfaces of each blade, in addition to lots of flash on the edges of each blade.
One blade on one prop, was attached to the sprue, but not to the hub, as it had snapped off, and had to be re-attached using CA.
Going to have a break from the bench, as my hands and wrists are really aching after messing about with the props, and I don't want to spoil things at this stage by fumbling !
If I don't get it finished tonight, then it will be done tomorrow morning or afternoon, at latest - an extra day shouldn't make much difference.
Pics below show the assembled and painted undercart, and an example of one of the props, part way through clean-up.
Pics of the finished model just as soon as it's completed.