signature for a nooby

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hells bells

Mar 16, 2008
cheshire england
i will come clean ,i have not got a clue about computers.i can do the basics etc,so i will get straight to the point .my head is mashed up on how to create a sig so if someone has the time to spare to make one for me, i would be grateful.mossys typhoons beaufighters all appeal to me, all endeavours will be looked at and appreciated 8) cheers. hells bells
Hey heres a basic one just maybe as a temporary sig until some of the real wizz's come up with something.



  • hellsig.jpg
    22.8 KB · Views: 323
ok try this link

I uploaded my signature to this site and it works fine.

Right click over the image to get the link and go to properties. You probably know all this sorry :lol:
thanks for your time heinz,its' still coming up invalid file.
i have to go now as i am in work at 17.00 and i have a few chores to do before i can grab a couple of hours as i work nights,i will log back in on tuesday morning and see if i can sort it out then ,thanks again heinz
I like it, Heinz! maybe if the writing was stylized like lightning? straight top part of the letter, sort of zig-zagging on the lower part and ending in points (if only I could scan and send things, I'd draw what I'm thinking!)
Sort of a 'hell fire' effect...
thanks very much heinz,also to evangilder.i need to get on and learn some more about my computer!,and what a warm welcome :D

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