spitfire FR IX "pink" father daughter build

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Cooome oooon April.....show your old man who's the daddy! I mean....d*rn! Again, looking great April and Karl....keep up the good work!

Oh, yeah....MORE PICS!
hoping to start covering them in a nice un-manly shade of pink tonight if time allows, if not maybe tomorow.
we've given them a thin coat of flat white as an undercoat but you cant tell as the pics didnt look any different !
due to my daughter's busy social schedule we wont be doing any thing untill at least tomorow night now !

Tony would appreciate any help you could give on the correct shade of pink !

i've got a colour pic courtesy of Terry from the alfred price book and a pic of a restored spitfire in pink so was going to aim between the two


  • Pink_Spit.jpg
    65.4 KB · Views: 80
  • 8237.jpg
    50.9 KB · Views: 92

Hi mate,

I'd go firmly with Terry's reference if I were you....April may lean towards the restoration though . The restored bird is MUCH too pink for mine. The plate you have from Terry, he was kind enough to send me also. From the descriptions I have read I have a hunch that even that is too pink (probably a colour printing issue with the publisher)

[EDIT] sorry, the picture looks right to me, I thought you had been sent another colour drawing which is between the restoration and THAT picture [EDIT].

"Pinkish dusky off white" or something similar is how I have heard it described but in the absence of a piece of an original I would back Terry and Alfred Price 100%. ...[EDIT] THIS is what the photo you have shows.[EDIT]

In the end result it I didn't have to make the decision...between being right and having my mates see an eight foot long five foot long four foot wide PINK cockpit section sitting in my office and having to hear all the jokes or being wrong.........so I'm going with PR blue instead of Camotint Pink.

Life is a compromise.

Hope your daughter's social calender and stars align soon so we can see more.


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