Stripped down Mosquito MK IV 1/32

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So, I am in. After a weekend with minimal time for the hobby. Sunday, I was sitting in one room with 4, yes 4 generations of women. Miy mother in law, my girlfriend, my daughter and my granddaugter, and they started a conversation about Chrismas decorations..................pffffffffffff. Personnally , I don't like the Christmastime, to much , to friendly, to long. But well, I was about 80 miles from home, otherwise I was fledded to my hobbytable.
But, heh, In the little time I play with my, that sound worse right ?

No, offcourse the tail of the Mossie. The first part could be very abstract for a lot of builders, because they don't ee this parts, but I have made a reckonizable part, the fin and rudder. . the fintop has not the right bending, but with the glueingproces I let it in this way and will correct it after, also the nose of the fin isn't rady, this is a kinda dryfit and explanation about the first part
At first the pic with the neutral position of the rudder

The 1st part is ready, I have to made the trimparts, but I wanted to see how and of it will works

Wel, it works, maybe not for the real one, but for the demonstration-purpose I had planned, its good enough

In the 2nd pic you see the pivotarm on BH6 turned out, so the plane should made a portsidecurve

And from above

I am just searching how the rudder was mounted on the fin, I suppose with pins in a eye contruction?
Nice, weekendbuilt, with taking care of both of my granddaughters, DIY on my shootingclub and keeping household, but somehow I found some time to cut the plastic with the next results

You see the ribs and rearspar of the elevatorwing and if we put it nice together with the other parts you got the next pic

So, I glue it together and it wasn't that clean as I had imaging in my head, but not only that, I got that strange's big, to big?
So I looked at my digital drawing, measured the drawings in my book and calculated thew whole thing.. SHIT, I made an error on the outsides of the wing. I should have the distance of 7 mm, but put it together with 14 mm, and so the ribs were also to big....!@#$$%%^^&&**

Well, after a moment of tears I fed the garbage ton and started again but I decided to built it like the big one and after completed the parts grinding it into the right shape
So, after a couple of hours, I ahd the next result

But, Iám used to made things often twice, it's quit normal..
Hello there
This weekend I made some more progress with the elevator and the elevator rudders. So now and then I ask myself why I didn't built it in wood, would that be easier? Maybe, who will says?

I just sad about the disdelivering of my thin and ultratnib glue, witj the needlebottle I got to much glue spots which are so difficult te remove, have finf a good solution

The wing itself wasn't that difficult, it's a kinda simple construction, just spars and wooden plates, but on this scale it had some difficulties with the thin plastic and sometimes I had to decide to make it it a bit thicker, just for the construction
Well, the wing

Then I made the rudders, but remember, it's still Work in Process he

The black spots? Well, that are my markingpoints to get the right rudder on the right place

And thinking about the hinges, they have to be operatable, but also a kinda scale.

I know, normally is it a bigger and more funnier update, sorry
Nice work. Just to get the terminology right, what you are building there is the horizontal stabilizer and the control surfaces are the elevators. The rudder is on the vertical stabilizer.
Yeah, thank you. Sometimes it's difficult, the "controle surface" can be named in Dutch "Roervlakken" where "roer" is "rudder" But heh, I am not a pilot
I don't like traditions, but for now, I started miy mondaymorning tradition with an update

I left you with the thinking part about the hinges and with help of some plantmeetings (sooooo boring) I could made some notes

It should be looks like the original, but that wouldn't be 100% without a 3D printer and only my basisc tools, the original you see in the upper row in the middle (pic from the book of Richard Waters )

So, I took some alu and started with grinding

Well after a while I saw it and decided to stop, I took my rest of PE

Put it together

And afterall, total together , it looks nice, but I wanted it to move and had to made some consessions, but still it's so tiny
Yep, I have to clean up the parts

But, if I can do it in metal, can I do it in plastic, in de fin and rudder it will lockedin into the part

Yes It's possible

And glue it into the rudder it will be something like this

Yeah, it works for a while, but then it get damaged, the thin plasitc isn't that strong, so Ihad to remove the hinges


Well, I made a alternatieve, two small plates with pin construction

And mounted both parts

It works, not to wide, but well, what can I do, It's not a plane wich can fly and playing with itm, no, just for fun

And then you have the hinges for the elevator, but the controlpart should be made aswell, it's a all togetherconstruction, so I have pay attention about measurment and mounting

I got a package from my local dealer (no, I'm dutch, but even in the Netherlands not all the dealers selling , well you know.
There were some tubes, and black evergreen? Black? What the f*ck. Oh, sh*t, misordered it by myself.
But with the tubes there was somthing to make with it
Goed, ik had via Domino wat buisjes gekregen en daar heb ik wat stukjes van genomen

The littlebox is the central part and I made it from the PE carbage

Then I made the controlarm, first attemp was in metal, but it was to soldering to difficult for me,

So, I made a sandwich, plastic, metal, plastic and sliding it in the correct form and with a quick, I could be happy till now


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