Good evening (at least it's evening here on the west coast of U.S.A.). As I mentioned in my previous reply posting # 363 as well as showing the pictures, there were several variations of wheel well interiors; all of them on the "D" variant Mustang. Some featured fully restored Mustangs that were "better-than-new" with blue-colored connectors of various plumbing and near-sanitary white colored electrical conduits. However, all had some of the accessories in common. It was decided to include many of them within the Guillow's wheel well interiors.
Because of such a wide variety of different interiors, one would normally think it would be a nightmare. On the contrary, at least for me, it was a blessing. After the inclusion of the "mandatory" items such as the hydraulic reservoir, pressure gauge, large colored specific plumbing near the leading edge of the wings that was consistent with most of the "D" variants, I felt I had free reign to employ my own "artistic license" and allow my own creativity come into play. My "excuse" is I do not have any of the interiors specific to Big Beautiful Doll. Therefore, who's to judge?
Below, is a random sampling of the "mandatory" items mentioned previously and I felt they should be included. From there, it was "open season." The last item that I will install will be the landing light for obvious reasons of it being exposed.