Supermarine Spitfire Mk.I PR Type B, KP Models 1/72, now Eduard 1/48!

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2996 Victor

Feb 25, 2023
Barlborough, UK
I've recently "run out of steam" with my many and various 1/72 builds, to the point where I decided to chuck it all in and move up to 1/48 scale. This build is one that got caught in the cross-fire and was shot down in no uncertain terms.

However, the arrival of an Eduard Spitfire Mk.I Dual Combo double kit has put me in the position of being able to start again. Same subject but biggerer My references listed below are still valid, of course.

If, dear reader, you're interested in the false start, please read on. Otherwise, please feel free to skip ahead to Page 4 where hopefully things will actually be happening!


This has been on my "to-do" list for some time! I'm using the KP Spitfire Mk.Ia "Black and white" boxing, which contains an amazing quantity of parts for the spares box, not least a complete "B" wing, two spare sets of 3-blade props and a Watts 2-blader as well.

For references, I'm dipping into Dr Alfred Price's "The Spitfire Story", Valiant Wings' "Merlin-engined Spitfires", Ventura's Classic Wardbirds #10 "Merlin PR Spitfires", and On Target Profiles #8 "Photo Reconnaissance Spitfires". I've also got a copy of Morgan and Shacklady's "Spitfire: The History" on its way.

I'm also referring to some Britmodeller threads:
Sidney Cotton's Spitfire's
Spitfire PR I details
A question regarding early Spitfire seats...
Spitfire PR I
Spitfire PR.Ia N3071 - Airfix 1/72
Spitfire Mk. I PR Type A
Spitfire PR1 1:72

Box and sprue shots:

The main sprues contains the "B" wing, the alternative "A" wing is on the supplementary sprue along with the Watts prop and, what's that? Its a Mk.IIa LR wing fuel tank!

I've started with the "Cottonising" process, filling the wing panel lines and drilling the camera ports in the centre of the under-wing inboard ammunition box hatches. The panel lines for those are retained of course, as are the upper-wing gun access panels for the innermost Browning, which was used as an access point for the camera operating mechanism.

More photos to follow!

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Good to see this one Mark. That kit looks like it has all bases covered. One thing I've noticed since coming back to the Spits after 10 years is that in both 72 and 48 the modeller is absolutely spoiled nowadays. Word of warning, I got hold of a copy of Morgan and Shacklady recently and it's easy to get utterly lost in it!
Thanks for the warning, Tony, I'll bear that in mind I'm already getting a bit mired in all the permutations I'm trying to find details of the 29gal fuselage fuel tank at the moment!

The KP kits are certainly good for spares - when they make a variant, the bits are are on extra sprues so you still get the "original" variants parts, too. I've already got several spare fuselages and wings.....! I've tried a couple of Airfix's 72nd Spits over the last couple of years, and I just can't get on with them. I o like these KP kits, though, and the panel line detailing is much, much nicer.

The KP kits are certainly good for spares - when they make a variant, the bits are are on extra sprues so you still get the "original" variants parts, too. I've already got several spare fuselages and wings.....!

Eduard are much the same in '48 - my spares box runneth over. I had four different props, two different fuselages, three different canopies etc. come with the Mk I I built recently.
I've assembled the wings: they needed a bit of shimming to get the underside surfaces flush. The ailerons and flaps are moulded with the upper surfaces, so there's the danger of a step without shims. And a fair bit of filing/dry fitting/filing/dry fitting etc etc

There's a pic in the IWM archive showing a camera being loaded into a PR 1a, and based on that I've decided to go with keeping the innermost gun panel for the camera motor gear, and scribe in an access panel next to it where the ammo box would have been. I think I'll fill the ammo box panel lines on the underside around the camera port. No idea if that's right..... On the underside, I'm filling everything outboard of the radiator and oil cooler. Again, I've no idea if it's right!!!

Some dingy pics:

Close ups hopefully showing the filled panel lines:

Next job is a witness coat to see what needs more filler!

Thanks for looking in!

I thought this might be interesting to the Spitfire buffs on here. Apologies if its old news, but I've only just come across this page on Facebook:

Spitfire PR IB N3069 - Remembering F/O Mervyn Wheatley

The entire page is a fascinating tribute to this early PR pilot, F/O Mervyn Wheatley who met his death on 22 March 1940 when he was shot down by Lt. Harald Jung of I./JG20.

There are some incredible photographs posted, some of which are well-known but which have been taken from first-generation copies and which are far clearer than any I have seen previously. Such as:

PR IA N3069 Colourised
PR IB P9331 Colourised
PR IA Detail Photos

While I'm not convinced by the validity of the colourisation, I think the clarity of the photos is astonishing. There are many other interesting items and its well worth a look through for anyone interested in PR Spitfires.

Hi Tony,
yes - I saw your "like" on one or more of the photos. It sounds like a lovely tribute F/O Wheatley is being put together - I noticed they've acquired a replica cockpit section which they're "restoring" to PR IB standard as part of the display including the camera operating control box that was fitted in place of the gunsight. Fascinating stuff!
one of our members is very involved with that project "kings coy" he is a dutch Para , he is the tall guy in all the pictures

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