Supermodel 1:72 scale Blohm Voss BV 138

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McCartney was probably my least favorite Beatle. Being a huge Beatles fan I took probably the last chance I would ever get to see one of the guys who made all that fantastic music live. Saw his concert here in Vancouver and he ROCKED !! almost 3 straight hours with out a break. Amazing performance !! New respect for the man especially at 71 years old.
No doubt about it Lennon was and could be a first class knob but he and McCartney were probably the greatest good cop bad cop team writing wise.
Great work and well done on getting rid of the 'bends'.
So, when 'Macka' finally pops his clogs, will he start decomposing? I'll get me coat .......


I was flipping through Volume 1 of the upgraded William Green classic "Aircraft of the Third Reich" (formerly "Warplanes of the Third Reich") and low and behold there is a cut away of the "flying clog". Unfortunately it's across two pages so scanning night remove all the detail you wanted (if you still do). Do you have access to this book?

That's a great heads up I will look for it, looks like there's three volumes ! They still have Library's don't they ??? Those books would be very handy for future reference !!! I still have several Lesser known Luftwaffe kits left to do.
You know I have swam in the North Sea, Firth of Forth. it was cold and miserable even as a kid in the summer. That being said I can imagine the $#it kicking a plane would take in the North Sea and North Atlantic. I decided to beat the crap out of my 138 as only I can imagine for lack of good photos so here's how it pans out.

I have a few more details to add but she's pretty much done. A challenging kit but worth the effort, This plane is cool as all hell and enigmatic as well. The center nacelle, where does it exhaust ? I mean we're talking Diesel here, oil powered air pump essentially, where does the soot and swarf go ???. Why is the fuselage prop 4 bladed the others 3 bladed ? Same three engines ? I'll post up a few pics when it's done.
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It's banged up alright, put a few finishing touches on her tonight and she's good for the shelf !

The underside is RLM65, the Topside is RLM72 73 but after spraying with matte clear coat kind of hard to make out. I first started by spraying the heavy wear areas with silver, then after a day a layer of future. The after another day the underside. Using an exacto blade I scraped away the paint revealing the silver underneath. The same was done on the top side, again scraping away paint with an exacto knife. I used low tack 3M fineline for the masking and removal actually pulled more paint of than I had wanted so the effect is a bit extreme in some places. After a day drying the decals were applied and then a layer of matte clear. Then I washed the whole plane down with a very thin watery mixture of white water colours and just let it evaporate to look like salt wash. Then I dirtied up the hull to make it look like it's been sitting in estuary water which is usually pretty nasty looking. The beaching gear I just wanted to make look ver y used and very rusty. Cool kit, a fun build despite all the fitting issues. Ad to my seaplane collection.
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