T Bolt's 1:1 P-47 Cockpit

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Results of the last few days work.

Support ribs and cockpit sills painted with Chromate primer (1) installed (2) and then the windscreen put back in place.

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That, me 'ole mate... is looking the 'Dogs danglies' ! (its Ok, it an English saying...means bl**dy well done done and such like :) ). You should be mighty proud of what you're pruducing !!
Thanks guys, I wish I could say I have more to show but other things have gotten in the way of work on the cockpit, though I have acquired a large hunk of oak to make a mold for bending all the upper fuselage side frames. Just have to get myself down in the basement to go ahead and make it
Something like that would have saved me a lot of time when I was making up my panel. I came up with all the dimensions my blowing up a picture and scaling everything off the computer screen. Neither one there is quite the one I did. The P-47D one is an earlier model with a completely different panel and the P-47N wile closer to the P-47D-30 I did, there are still quite a few differences. If I had this back then I probably would have gone with the earlier model "D"
Thanks! I haven't worked on it in a wile now. I really need to dust it off and get back to work on it. Not too far from being able to start putting on the skin.

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