Ta152H Prototype Fw190V18/U2

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Looks phenominal Wayne....

Now my questions.... How did u stop what u were spraying from over-spraying onto the RLM76, did u use a card or tape or something??? Also, when u sprayed to Silver/Aluminum on the underside, u must have taped those lines off correct??? If u did, I notice that u didnt spray a clear coat over the 76 prior to the spraying of the silver....

What did u use so the 76 did not get marred or messed up??? Ur methods seem to beyond my meager skills man....

The silver on the wing was sprayed first, then masked off, then I applied the RLM 76.
No I didn't put a clear coat over the silver, the silver has proven to be pretty good with masking over it. (left it few days to cure completely though) I use Tamiya tape paint the next colour then once dry remove the tape very carefully.

The tail stabilizers were done in reverse RLM 76 then silver 'cause I reviewed the pic and determined that it was silver(NMF) after it was painted so a lot of careful masking and then applied the silver over the 76.
Looks like another masterpiece on the way, Wayne. I'm going to try some of your airbrushing techniques on my next Luftwaffe project in hopes that I get at least half the results I see in your pics.

Great work.
Yep, going by the plans, they are a little low. looking at photos, and drawing an imaginary line between the tips, they bisect the fueslage about midway up the air intake. I'm at work now, so can't say how the Dragon kit compares..
Well...I still like it no matter what...should be back on this one soon, both this and the Me262 need to be finished soon for the trip to the Melbourne Expo on the 5th June.

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