TAMIYA 1:48 Kawanishi N1K1-Ja Shiden Type11 (George)

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Nov 22, 2009
The Jungles of Canada
I'm ahead of the game with GBs so I thought I would do something I can't recall doing before....start and finish a model in a month. I spent the morning going through the stash and found this...

Low parts count and good fit....

I've already started on the engine and its just about finished. Wings are just about done as well. Photos in a bit. I still haven't decided on a particular aircraft yet
Engine done though I notice in the photo touch-ups needed. Cylinders done with Citadel Ironbreaker, washed with Citadel Black Ink. Housing done with Tamiya XF-19 Sky Grey. Rods painted Tamiya X-18 Semi-gloss Black. Ring and heads done with Tamiya XF-16 Flat Aluminum

Innards painted with Tamiya XF-58 Olive Green lightened with XF-4 Yellow Green. They've since been gloss coated with Liquitex


Detailing and weathering shortly

Thanks all. Innards are done. I found a set of Eduard pre-painted seat belts so I broke down and added them. The cockpit is added from below after the fuselage has been joined together

....and then he went running downstairs after he noticed the gun sight was slightly cock-eyed.........................................

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