Tamiya Clear Addition

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Senior Master Sergeant
Oct 16, 2007
Conroe, Texas
I found on the Tamiya web site that they have some planes released as a clear addition with additional items like fuel tanks. Has anyone seen them?

To be honest in pics only.But as I remember there are others who also offer the kind of models.
The swordfish look good on their website. I hope to put the B25 on hold. I want to pick up an airbrush next month. I ran out of disposable income. It is torture to see the plane on the table unfinished but it will be worth the wait.

Yea.You have to be patient,patient.....
There is an English proverb for this situation I think.Something like the Polish one " Co nagle to po diable"
Iv'e got the Me262 clear edition, you get the fuselage and engine nacelles in clear plastic and you get a couple of extra sprues not in the standard kit... fuselage fuel tanks and engines, plus Radio assembly, compass and oxygen bottles in rear fuselage.
Hi, this is my first post in this forum, let me say hello!
to bring something I want to share a few pics of my 262 clear edition:

It is the white 3 which is on display in munich, the real thing also with some (not that large though) clear inserts to offer a view into the body, enjoy:

Nice work, Vampirella.

I'm mainly an R/C modeller, and it's always an eye-opener to see what really is inside full-scale aircraft. R/Cers are used to there being a lot of empty space in their models, and that simply isn't true of full-scales (at least, not since the late 1930's).


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