Me and Mike Wint covered this a little while ago. Usually such people have certain personality traits such as having poor empathy, compassion, and are generally inflexible emotionally. These traits are often combined with rejection, and an inability to succeed, despite having strong ambitions.
They rarely see their own behavior as problematic, but they will never forget any injustice/perceived injustice to them, and their lack of empathy/compassion leads them to start seeing other people or entire groups as standing in the way, and stealin' their thundah -- they can't tolerate that.
Most of us just grow up: That's why most people who own guns never commit a mass-shooting. In fact, many people manage to avoid ever firing them in anger (outside a warzone).
My hat off to the Kiwi's for today's demonstration of solidarity. Being at the Friday prayer without being a Muslim, but just to support the victims is a class act and something we all can learn from.
Spent a few days a couple of times in Auckland almost 30 years ago. A very friendly nice place.
I am sorry for any tragedy that affects good people (anybody is good who hasn't gone out of their way to do me harm) and most especially those tragedies caused by human stupidity and hate.
It's almost surreal waking up everyday and seeing all this on the news, especially now our Prime Minister has had her face plastered over the Burj Kalifa in Dubai (!); it doesn't feel like it's here at all. Life just ticks along...