Terrorists Target Fort Dix

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The Pop-Tart Whisperer
Feb 19, 2007
Fort Dix Terror PlotSuspects Due in Court Today

FORT DIX, N.J. - May 8, 2007 - Six ethnic Albanians have been arrested in a plot to storm the Fort Dix installation in Burlington County.

Five of the suspects were arrested in Cherry Hill.
They will be arraigned later today in federal court. Officials say it will happen in Camden.

ABC News is reporting that Fort Dix was selected because one of the suspects, a delivery driver for a local pizza joint, had unfettered access to the base.

Investigators say the suspects planned to use automatic weapons to storm the base and kill solders. The men were lured into a secret meeting to purchase AK-47s from an arms dealer, who was secretly cooperating with the FBI.

Officials say the suspects worked on a number of targets, including the Dover Air Force Base in Delaware, Fort Monmouth in Eatontown, and several Coast Guard stations.

Federal agents made the arrests when the suspects zeroed in on Fort Dix.

Officials say some of the suspects were caught on tape.

Fort Dix is made up of 31,065 acres of land, with training areas bordered by the Lebanon State Forest, Lakehurst Naval Air Engineering Center and selected Wildlife Management Areas.

(Copyright 2007 by 6abc and Action News. All rights reserved.)
They're going after a military target. Or at least, that was the plan for the 6 stooges. Said they were practicing in the Pocs with automatic weapons. I hear the Army does that AT Fort Dix.

Not to minimize it, but if they are going to attack any target in the US (and these knuckleheads have to attack something, that's the whole reason they exist), isn't an Army base the best place. Army beefs up security and studies their plans for base defense, that sort of thing.

Not like going after the Lincoln Tunnel or the NYSE, that would cause major economic damage. And the toll takers or stock brokers are not trained to handle automatic weapons fire.
My brother was briefly guarding LAX and later Fort Macarthur in LA. Thank god he wasn't there - not only would he had killed them all, he would of slit their throats and taken out a few civilians "who didn't look right" as well as any reporters who were on scene.. :eeeeek:
Not to minimize it, but if they are going to attack any target in the US (and these knuckleheads have to attack something, that's the whole reason they exist), isn't an Army base the best place.

Timshatz, don't know if you're aware of it but next weekend is the airshow at McGuire with the Thunderbirds. They might have got lucky.
Timshatz, don't know if you're aware of it but next weekend is the airshow at McGuire with the Thunderbirds. They might have got lucky.

Gotcha. Timing aspect of it. Cut loose a bunch of these assholes from the back of a pizza delivery van during the Airshow and you have a major league massacre on your hands. Crowds are pretty thick over there.

Good point.
Haven't been to the McGuire shows but Millville gets thick with humanity. Just assumin'.
Most airshows I've been to are packed. Most people dig seeing airplanes whizz about. Pretty cool stuff. There is a little one close to where I live at a place called New Garden. Neat little airshow, occasionally have a Mustang or Corsair flying around. Also a F4F. And this one act called "The Flying Farmer" which is just about the nuttiest thing I've ever seen in an airplane.

Here's a link to it:

Air Show -- Colonial Flying Corps Annual Benefit -- New Garden Airport

Big airshows are cool but I prefer the smaller ones. Less scripted.
Smaller is better. That "flying Farmer" wouldn't happen to have been someone who grabbed a Cub and stats winging it around the airfield while the pilots on the ground yelling at him? Saw that one time and it amazed me. With the stunts they pulled, Piper should be listed as the first VTOL!
I really should take the time and READ posts and check links before responding. That Flying Farmer IS the guy I saw! Freaking outrageous!

How far away are you from this airshow? I've never heard of it and it might be close.
Gents, keep in mind that while they got 6 of these whackjobs, there are at least 4 more that they did not get yet. There are also at least 6 support people that are yet to be caught as well. Praise to the guys that turned in the video, at great risk of retribution to themselves. Keep alert and stay vigilant.
Sorry, got off topic. Just picked up my local paper and found that one worked at the Grocery store I frequent and the others had a pizzeria in a town next to mine, 2 miles away.

And a few were illegal aliens. Should there be any more discusion about illegals and why we should keep them out?
I really should take the time and READ posts and check links before responding. That Flying Farmer IS the guy I saw! Freaking outrageous!

How far away are you from this airshow? I've never heard of it and it might be close.

I live an hour away and that is the same guy. He's the same guy I saw loop that thing (the Cub) within 100ft of the ground. Pulled up into a stall and let it fall over the top. There's your loop. No perfect, but it was something to watch.

The show is close to the intersection of US1 and 202 in Pa. South about half an hour from there. Good show, fun show.

The bottom left guy reminds me of Iran's President.

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