Thanksgiving 2007

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Happy Thanksgiving every one.

Well even though today is not Thanksgiving they have the big Thanksgiving Dinner at the Dining Facility at the Army Airfield where I work, that way they can have Thanksgiving with there families on Thursday. Well anyhow me and my wife went and ate with all the soldiers in the DEFAC today. They had Prime Rib, Turkey, Ham, Crab Legs, and all the fixings that go with it. Felt good to eat with soldiers again now that I am not in the Army anymore, especially on this day of Thanks.

Tomorrow ofcourse I making a big Thanksgiving meal at my house. Doing the ham, deep fried Turkey, and all the fixings that go with it. Even my German friends who do not celebrate Thanksgiving are coming over to celebrate with us and I have invited several soldiers (they were my soldiers when I was in th Army) over to spend Thanksgiving with my family. It will be a great meal and a great time.
Because it's just the two of us, Edna Mae does not fix a big dinner. Actually,
she doesn't fix any dinner.... I always take her out to a seafood
restaurant, because neither one of us is fond a turkey or chicken.

However, I do wish all the members of the forum a Happy Thanksgiving,
even those in countries (like Poland) that do not celebrate Thanksgiving.

For the first time since I became an empty nester in February, my son
and daughter will be home with me. The Navy was benevolent and decided
I needed them more than Uncle Sam! That's a Happy Thanksgiving!
it's a gorgeous 25F and breezy out clear skies, my woman will be home in an hour so we make the 300 plus mile drive north along back roads of Orygun.

blessings upon you all and thank God for something this week - you're all alive aren't you ?

and for Charles I am testing out a new furlined speedo in flat black just to see if it will be windproof on those 20 degree mornings ......... oooooooooooh, furlined suspenders will be standard so they won't creep

yee haw, have a good one guys

Erich ~
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Carve up some turkey and turn on the ballgame. A gorgeous 55F here in Dallas and all my buddies are home from their respective schools. Ah, good times.
May you enjoy thanksgiving this much:




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Hey Charles, Are you going down to Waterside? The wife and I really miss that place. (also China Garden at Pembroke Mall)
To one and all, have a safe and happy Thanksgiving. To those of us who remember how it was to be "deployed or TDY or TAD or at sea" don't forget our comrades who are out there now, a toast to our Brothers-In-Arms.
HAPPY Tday to ALL!!!!

Go buy a turkey
Pour a glass of wine
Put turkey in oven
Pour another glass of wine
Set the oven at 375 degrees
Pour another glass of wine
Turn the oven on
Pop open another bottle of wine
Turk the bastey
Pour another glass of vino
Bake the wine for 4 hours
Take the oven out of the turkey
Floor the turkey off of the pick
Turk the Carvey
Open another wottle of bine
Tet the sable and poer yourself another glass of turkey
Bless the saying, pass and eat out.
To one and all, have a safe and happy Thanksgiving. To those of us who remember how it was to be "deployed or TDY or TAD or at sea" don't forget our comrades who are out there now, a toast to our Brothers-In-Arms.

Amen Brother. I can still remember it like it was yesterday (that might be since the last time was only 2 years ago! ).

To those out on the front lines.

Well everything but the Turkey (which is being deep fried later) is in the oven or ready to go and only has to be heated back up. Now just waiting for the right time and the guests.

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