Thanksgiving 2007

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No point to run and hide down with the devil either, because he doesn't wanna piss daddy off either, he remember the last time he did that....he's still refurbishing hell.....
sadly this is one of the most depressing Thanxgivs I have ever had, my wifes folks have lost their short term memory flat out at the same time, this happened of sorts last Thanx time and now......................gosh all I could do is look them in the eye after the 6th time of being asked if I had seen one of the familie pictures and I knew who all the relatives were, I sure will give them the dignity they deserve but this is real hard to take and my wife is pretty blown out due to this for 4 days
dang that is one fine looking little one Eric with all those Curls my daughter braids out her 3 little sweeties so am not sure really what their hair naturally does except all three are blonds , but wait there is a tad bit of red in the youngest ones hair

hey I feel better and so does the Mrs. the curtains are up and they look sharp in dark green almost velour, that should save on the winter heating bill .......

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