The Best Fw-190 Variant...?

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nearly all of it. there was some pieces removed back in Arizona and am not sure where Gelbe 10 has been relocated too...Seattle or Texas I think. the A/C is flyable though. The unit was tested under the RAF at wars end with a German ace piloting agasint an RAF pilot flying ? to see the handling characteristics of the Dora. It proved superior to the RAF craft.

E ~
Some other pics of Gelbe 10...


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Probably the paint job which is alot more dramatic than the low visibilty grey modern jets use
Looks damn cool
Wow the markings are all wrong ! that is suppose to be yellow 15 not blue as 8th staffel never had any doras in JG 301

thanks Charles for the almost naked Dora, very interesting how it may have looked without the skin

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