The Food Thread

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The lamb was done a lil too much for my taste. I prefer a rare to medium-rare. I let it rest about 20 minutes (rather than the 5 to 10 minutes when I usually cook it) while I cooked a few other things. So it continued to cook while it rested as it will. The meat was still juicy and tender, and the flavor was spot on.


What kind of curry is that? That looks awesome

I forget the name of the packet.
But I added more curry, tomatos, coconut milk, chilies and potato. Tasted good.

I love the setup, what kind of "grill" is that? Looks like a bottom of a furnace or smelter.

It's the bottom part of a chiminea, David. It was suppose cook pizzas but it was a hopeless concept - so I tried using a cast iron pan, and worked well. Fuel is barbeque heat beads.

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