Feb 4, 2008 #2,201 Thorlifter Captain 7,980 433 Jun 10, 2004 Knoxville, TN Dead on Buck TPBM eats squid
Feb 4, 2008 #2,202 Njaco The Pop-Tart Whisperer 22,467 2,458 Feb 19, 2007 Fla-eee-dah! Most definately! Calamari is great! And PETA is just a bunch of loosers who need real lives. Freakin nutjobs! TPBM is waiting for baseball to start.
Most definately! Calamari is great! And PETA is just a bunch of loosers who need real lives. Freakin nutjobs! TPBM is waiting for baseball to start.
Feb 4, 2008 #2,203 Bucksnort101 2nd Lieutenant 5,952 1,367 Sep 11, 2007 Minnesota Nope. Never was a big baseball fan. TPBM is getting ready to go eat some tasty animals for lunch.
Feb 4, 2008 #2,204 Lucky13 Forum Mascot 49,409 27,667 Aug 21, 2006 In my castle.... Nope....I'm waiting for my H-U-G-E lottery win to come through... TPBM don't eat fish....
Feb 4, 2008 #2,205 Lucky13 Forum Mascot 49,409 27,667 Aug 21, 2006 In my castle.... BUCKY....!!! You pr*ck!! Already had some.....still the same...TPBM. TPBM don't eat fish....
Feb 4, 2008 #2,206 Marcel rotartsinimdA Staff Admin Mod 10,994 5,360 Sep 19, 2006 Dordrecht www.redbeatband.nl Nope lunchhour passed about 7 hours ago TPBM is in the same timezone as I am
Feb 4, 2008 #2,207 Marcel rotartsinimdA Staff Admin Mod 10,994 5,360 Sep 19, 2006 Dordrecht www.redbeatband.nl Clashed with Lucky TWICE ??? You're right Luck, I don't like fish TPBM is on GMT
Feb 4, 2008 #2,208 Bucksnort101 2nd Lieutenant 5,952 1,367 Sep 11, 2007 Minnesota Nope, CST. TPBM doesn't think I'm that big of a pr*ck as Lucky seem to think?
Feb 4, 2008 #2,209 Marcel rotartsinimdA Staff Admin Mod 10,994 5,360 Sep 19, 2006 Dordrecht www.redbeatband.nl Clash clash Clash, is all I seem to be able to today Yes you are, you keep on clashing with me, like Luck, you both are pr*cks TPBM wants to join this clash party..
Clash clash Clash, is all I seem to be able to today Yes you are, you keep on clashing with me, like Luck, you both are pr*cks TPBM wants to join this clash party..
Feb 4, 2008 #2,210 Lucky13 Forum Mascot 49,409 27,667 Aug 21, 2006 In my castle.... Seems that I'm already part of the supreme dream clash team.... TPBM wants in as well...
Feb 4, 2008 #2,211 ccheese Member In Perpetuity 12,408 131 Jul 10, 2007 Virginia Beach, Va. Think I'll pass.. TPBM wants to know more of the "Get Lucky" thread... Charles
Feb 4, 2008 #2,212 Njaco The Pop-Tart Whisperer 22,467 2,458 Feb 19, 2007 Fla-eee-dah! So then as Lucky runs away from the Rabbi and the stripper ladies..... TPBM has to buy new underwear.
So then as Lucky runs away from the Rabbi and the stripper ladies..... TPBM has to buy new underwear.
Feb 4, 2008 #2,213 ccheese Member In Perpetuity 12,408 131 Jul 10, 2007 Virginia Beach, Va. Why ? TPBM is confused at Chris' question also... Charles
Feb 4, 2008 #2,214 Lucky13 Forum Mascot 49,409 27,667 Aug 21, 2006 In my castle.... What now...?? TPBM will explain in deep...
Feb 4, 2008 #2,215 Marcel rotartsinimdA Staff Admin Mod 10,994 5,360 Sep 19, 2006 Dordrecht www.redbeatband.nl Deep in your underware? In your dreams! TPBM will make a get lucky thread now
Feb 4, 2008 #2,216 Lucky13 Forum Mascot 49,409 27,667 Aug 21, 2006 In my castle.... Nope I will not.... TPBM thinks like me, that Marcel got it aaaallll wrong.
Feb 4, 2008 #2,217 ccheese Member In Perpetuity 12,408 131 Jul 10, 2007 Virginia Beach, Va. I havn't gotten lucky since Pearl Harbor got bombed ! TPBM is addicted to chewing gum... Charles
Feb 4, 2008 #2,218 Bucksnort101 2nd Lieutenant 5,952 1,367 Sep 11, 2007 Minnesota Nope not gonna be me to start that thread, Lucky already thinks I'm a pr*ck TPBM has brown racing stripe undies .
Nope not gonna be me to start that thread, Lucky already thinks I'm a pr*ck TPBM has brown racing stripe undies .
Feb 4, 2008 #2,219 Bucksnort101 2nd Lieutenant 5,952 1,367 Sep 11, 2007 Minnesota Good lord!!! No I do not have a chewing gum addiction, I do however have an affinity for clashing with others responses. TPBM has brown racing stripe undies!!!
Good lord!!! No I do not have a chewing gum addiction, I do however have an affinity for clashing with others responses. TPBM has brown racing stripe undies!!!
Feb 4, 2008 #2,220 Njaco The Pop-Tart Whisperer 22,467 2,458 Feb 19, 2007 Fla-eee-dah! not sure those are racing stripes.....hence the need for new undies TPBM wants to start a "Get Lucky" thread but unsure how.
not sure those are racing stripes.....hence the need for new undies TPBM wants to start a "Get Lucky" thread but unsure how.