That sounds good for breakfast, but need to cut the calories all weekend to make up for todays lunch. Will be hitting the health club with a vengeance this weekend.
TPBM thinks Oatmeal with Skim Milk is more in order for breakfast in the AM.
Ha, mine is a POS right now. 728 MB of RAM... It blows... I'm going to apply for a $1500 Dell gaming/media PC with 3 gigs of RAM. So I can't wait to stop being lazy and do the stuff.
TPBM has always wanted to see how fast he could max out at from a drop at 25,000 feet in an Me-109. (I hit 800 KMH.) Pulled out at 800 as I felt the ground rushing to me, the G's! Was going level at 700 KMH... O.O)