The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Once and a while after Ice Fishing on a cold day.

TPBM needs to take a couple more days of to recover from the Vacation they just took (I do, my body is aching all over from my time off in the woods).
I do....

And I listen to a Swedish radiostation that I found when I was in Sweden....plays great music, anything from '40 to some of todays music...

TPBM will tell us their pet pieve(?).....
I suppose. Just wondering, seems to be a bar thingy that I noticed while out in a small town bar this past week. Seems they eat them with thier Beer. Did not try them as I did not want to run the risk of any stomach problems.

TPBM is almost out of Vacation time for the year.
I wish. Would like to make a grand tour of Europe, Germany, Belgium, Norway, Sweden, Italy, Spain, France. Would be drinking many beers along the way if I ever could afford it.

TPBM drinks Budweiser and it hasn't made them any more intelligent.
I remember drinking Grolsch beer from a big green rubber stoppered flip top in my younger days. Was alway skunked from the trip overseas and the sunlight getting to it through the Green bottles.

TPBM rides a mountain bike through the mountains regularly.
No, use to do that, but my bike is giving me to much sh*t and I would rather walk, but I miss it. Erich do you not have a extra bike for me mate? LOL

TPBM have a car that does not use any gas or diesel.

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