The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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I can listen to anyhing that's soft and quiet.

TPBM is going to the Memorial Day festivities in their town...

Yes, but we have some sisters too.. (including that 'Lucky' guy when he's wearing his kilt..Oh! That was you?? la la..I'll be off now...!

TPBM thinks Lucky wears a kilt just to show off his sexy legs
I'll bet wearing a kilt is cool - especially in the scottish highlands with that cold wind blowing up your a*se..

Up to something? No, just stooging around the forum..

TPBM is too...
Yep, sure am! Went to the town centre in the weekend and photographed some roman building remains they uncovered in december while digging the foundations for a new hotel - project on hold. Came home with 2000 year old bull horns (!) and a shaped corner stone... (It's going to be trashed anyway - they trashed an ancient burial ground and buildings just last week :( - uncovered while digging underground parking... )

TPBM is also an 'amateur archaeologist'

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