The Person Below Me (TPBM) (1 Viewer)

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But of course, Mon Ami..... What's all this talk about banning moi ??

Marcel is my friend, that's for sure (I have others too)

TPBM is one of them...

Yes you do and I consider myself one of your friends. Just didn't want you to put a link up to our Gal from Playboy and upset the mods.

TPBM has almost completed his workday and is looking forward to a relaxing evening.
Yes, my friend, in about six minutes I will be out the door. In another six to
eight minutes I will be home. I will then grab the wife, her car keys and head
to the beach for a dinner out. We're going to "The Virginian". A quality
steak, sea food and spaghetti house. Tonight it will be spaghetti.

TPBM would like to join us. (I'm buying !)

Don't think I can get there in time. Have snow moving in for the rush hour so it will be a long messy drive home. May just go for a long walk on the trail next to work in the snow first.

TPBM does not like snow.

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