The Person Below Me (TPBM) (1 Viewer)

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Nope, only shoot bows and hike, have not participated in a sport since my Elementary School Days.

TPBM plays a musical instrument and will tell us what type, and the kind of music they play.
Nope. Given just exactly how much I hated my german language lessons in school (- the grammar is a killer!), I'd never read a german language book.
That was, until I got interested in BMW motorcycles...

TPBM loves choccy chip cookies.
Nope, no flying for me. Fifth Beatle could have been either Stuart Suttcliff (I think that's the spelling) or Pete Best.

TPBM seems to be obsessed with BMW Motorcycles
It was made with my dad(1/72). Making one with my son now.

I am flying to NZ at the weekend and not so lucky as its 32 hours with 2 young kids. More 5th beatles Jimmy Nicol or Billy Preston.

TPBM Is a campanologist.

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