The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Nope - can't stand having music playing in the background, I either have to listen - or no music at all.
All else distracts me to the extent that I might freak out and chuck the radio out the window if it bothers me enough.

TPBM loves cars.
Yup. I usually didn't have, but as I'm getting older, I've begun to like sweet stuff like chocolate, strawberries and such. *sigh*
I used to like salt stuff better, but that has changed.

TPBM likes salty snacks too.
Actually, I've been on volutary lay-off since March30th. Go back Monday. And that sucks 'cause I still don't have everything done.

TPBM....has a lot of home projects also.
Yes I do, got 3 month to go before my week long vacation. Most time I've taken off in a row for several years.

TPBM has seen the inside of a prison/jail from the wrong side of the bars.
Oh yea. Back in my drinking days I was on a first name basis with the local cops. Never anything more serious than
public drunkenesss, tho....

TPBM has some college.....


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