The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Yep, but try not to eat too much of it.

TPBM thinks the reason the Vikings went on raiding voyages was to find better things to eat
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It's what you get when you multiply Chtitlan by 10? Sorry, I couldn't help myself

TPBM doesn't think that's the corrent answer and will give the right one.
Have no idea buddy! Think that I'll wait for Sabrina to explain....

TPBM still remember the Kennedy murder in '63 and where they were when it happened....
Certainly would last one I went to was all custom bikes and bikini girls with little over the shoulder double boulder holders and nips like spark plugs.

TPBM is now imagining what I just described are distracting alright...ladies...nope.
But some of the young, handsome, fit, tanned male bike riders in tight leathers are distractions alright.

TPBM wouldn't know what I mean.

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