The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Nope, sorry...

TPBM thinks that Jan is.....wait a minute here....that's me! D*mn! Fooled again! For your information, I can perfectly well find my way around it that big room with that big thing that magically clean stuff AND that gizmo that gets so nice and warm, like a miny sauna.....what's it called again?

Oh! Look! Beer!

TPBM enjoys Monopoly and other games...
Do not belong to MySpace, and the only time I go to Facebook is when the Forum is down.
Neither one is 'my thing'....

TPBM watches the 'soaps' on TV....

Indeed I have its right up to the slot on his back
Ill send some off to you pronto what's the current exchange rate for 20 pence in US dosh

TPBM will tell us

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