The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Nope, well maybe if it had handles;) Nice home Charles, has charactor. Always liked the looks of this style house as compared to split levels.

TPBM want's to have thier house painted with closely spaced black and white lines that give the optical illusion that they are moving (I've always wanted to paint a house or a car with a pattern like that). Like this.


  • Optical Illusion.jpg
    Optical Illusion.jpg
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Nope, I do have to wear reader glasses when I read a book. Arms aren't long enough to hold it out far enough to read anymore;(

TPBM is reading a good book and will tell us about it.
Yeah, I wonder where he is off too. Probaly got smacked overthe head with an overgrown Herring at the local Pub;)

TPBM is having something really tasty for lunch today.
O yes. I've got piles of books in the living room because there's no more room on the shelves that I've got - and there's at least 6 big cardboard boxes of the moving kind sitting in my basement room, waiting for me to do something about them.
Time to get rid of some of those books, methinks. :lol:

TPBM loves reading.
I do love reading, I just dont like hearing the wify say "are you reading another airplane book, dont you read those enough already"

TPBM favorite book is....

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