The Person Below Me (TPBM) (1 Viewer)

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No single favourite, although Paulo Coelho's 'The Alchemist' is right up there, along with Terry Pratchett's Disc world series, and Laurens Van Der Post's, Barry Crump's, and a few others' books....

And TPBM's favourite author is..?
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Saw some great racing last night. Rest of the weekend, work on my girlfriends apartment and my house........yay.:

TPBM.........hates house work.|
Yup. Can't recommend it. (A childhood friend's father was born on the Faroe Islands, and he brought home some dried whale - after a summer holiday - for all uf us kids to taste...yuck!)

TPBM has tasted crocodile.
Au Contraire, my friend. Have tasted rattlesnake, gator, camel, squid, and probably one or two other things
you don't find on the usual menu.

TPBM forgot something, today....


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