The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Surely you jest, Mon Ami ! Both grandparents from The Netherlands !

BTW, Murder Incorporated or Brownsville Boys, was the name given by the press for an organized crime group in the 1930s and 1940s that carried out hundreds of murders on behalf of the mob. The name Murder Incorporated was a journalistic invention. [Wiki]

TPBM wants to take a sea voyage...

I knew that Charles, you're actually called Karel Kaasman, but it's too difficult to pronounce for the americans

Yep, I would like a sea voyage, but no time and it would be boring for my son if it takes too long

TPBM owns a rowing boat
I don't mind....

TPBM gets seasick...

Also: notable members of Murder Inc. included Abe "Kid Twist" Reles, Frank "Dasher" Abbandando, Louis Capone, Martin "Buggsy" Goldstein, Harry "Happy" Maione, Harry "Pittsburgh Phil" Strauss, Allie Tannenbaum, Seymour "Blue Jaw" Magoon, Emanuel "Mendy" Weiss, and Charles "Charlie the Bug" Workman.
Not anymore, used to all the time when I had a ruptured eardrum.

TPBM thinks spring is just around the corner and is looking forward to warm weather.
I would like to believe that spring is "just around the corner" but my Japanese
maples tell me other wise. Nobody is waking up just yet. Maybe next month.
This mornings low was 29F (-2C).

TPBM is going home at 1700 (like me)...


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