The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Depends. Most of my work with auto dealers had to do with repair orders, schedules, credit notes and such...

TPBM doesn't like ladders...

No.... I usually record the History Channel on VHS tape, then convert it to DVD and edit it at the same time. That way I can get four shows on a DVD..

TPBM thinks I'm clever....

Actually Charles, that's a great idea, I take it your good with Computers?

TPBM agrees OR is Charles and will tell us if he is good with Computers.
Well.... er, ah... [blush]. I am good with computers but computers have nothing to do with converting VHS tape
to DVD. I have a Magnavox unit that does the converting, or actually the writing, for me. Sabrina.... I love ya !!

TPBM puts lemon in their tea ....

Shopping!!!! I hate shopping!!!! I usually don't set foot in a store unless I know what I've going there for. Quick in and out. Christmas shopping annoys me. Don't like shopping on-line either.

TPBM enjoys going to the big Mall and Christmas shopping.
If you mean couchpilot, then yeessss!

Lot's of bad food and classic flicks on DVD's!

TPBM would like to join in.....

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