The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Au contraire, my friend. Wear a tux three times a month, and a suit [or sport coat slacks] three or four times a
month. I feel quite comfortable in a coat tie.

TPBM wears jeans most of the time....

The discovery of our safe new homeland America, filled with wonder, promise, and hope; the thankfulness of reaching the end of the great voyage after struggles, hearthaches, illness, death, and adversity, and given a fresh chance for a courageous and just new modern times, being thankful for our freedom, the people we love, and the lives that we create for ourselves in the best way we can.

TPBM values their freedom over all else.
Nope, thankful for all you put forth in your post equally.(Great answer!)

TPBM....thinks Sabrina should run for president. ( Sorry , I had to after your post, sabrina:))
Yep sure do hotter than hell here today and tomorrow's the same.

TPBM doesn't like evil thing's and is a little freaked out that this is page 666.

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