The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Nope....and I do prefer the old F1 with proper cars and no computers! Lotus Type 78.....Ferrari 312T5 sweeeet! 8)

TPBM sings in the shower and do it loud too....
Nope, but am long overdue to see a dentist so won't be suprised if there is some work needing to be done.

TPBM faints at the sight of blood.
Gee, I donno. I don't own more than a dozen !! I sure have a lot of cassette tapes, tho...

TPBM is a Sinatra fan....

According to biography, he drank Earl Grey tea ! Drank it morning, noon and night.

TPBM drinks Earl Grey tea too...

Nope, just extremely cold for a couple days, then more snow. I am sick of snow already though.

TPBM would like to go Ice Fishing with me this weekend. Nothing like drilling a hole on a frozen lake and waiting for a fish to bite.

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