The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Yep, nearly thirty years old. Was given to me by the Church I went to as a youngster for memorizing Bible verses.

TPBM thinks it's time to buy a new Rifle or Handgun soon.
Not into either. My opinions on this would probably take this thread into the realms of the political. So...

TPBM will tell us what their favourite ever song is.
I tend to like his quieter stuff rather than his shouty stuff. Nebraska and The Ghost Of Tom Joad are two of my favourite albums. But when you're in the mood you can't be a blast of full-volume Brooooce.

TPBM was Booooorn in the Yoo Ess Ay-ee-ay...
I might have been if I'd had the chance to use the damn machines! There were 2 at the dairy up the road, 20 cents a game in 1982, and there was always a crowd round them. Most popular catch phrase of the time: 'Got a 20 bro??'

TPBM is/was a pin-ball fanatic...

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