The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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That, my friend, ain't going to happen !! The Brits and the Irish and
those guys with a family tartan can wear 'em. Not me...

TPBM is waiting it to rain....

We just had a night full of it (which I love), but I'm waiting for the weather to change properly - I hate the headaches I get during the change-over.

TPBM is disappointed Charles won't wear a kilt ( Now wouldn't THAT be a Hallmark moment!!)
Mon Ami: A family crest is like a "coat of arms". Most old english family's
have one. Never tried wooden shoes..... do they make a lot of noise when
you walk on cobblestone streets ?

Of course, I agree...

TPBM sez "lets change the subject" and will do so...

Ah, Mon Ami..... and just how fast is Warp-5 or Warp-7. Time passes all
to quickly for the elderly. I'd rather take it slow and easy....

TPBM likes it slow and easy.....

Absolutely.... say it again...... Charles is a Yankee !!! Born and raised on
the NORTH side of the Mason-Dixon line. Which, BTW, only seperates
Maryland and Pennsylvania !

TPBM prefers orange juice to tomato juice.


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