The Person Below Me (TPBM) (1 Viewer)

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Maybe I should pass this up for a younger person...... But, no I do not
want any more children. I really would not want to bring a child up in
this day and age.

TPBM agrees with me....

I have next Thursday Friday off. Think I'll take the missus to Richmond, Va.
for a shopping trip. She likes to shop in Williamsburg, Va., too, on the way

TPBM likes to cook and bake...

Had my kids on an overnight, woke up to the Easter Rabbit goodies, they helped me cook dinner, good game of chess with my oldest...all around good day.

TPBM missed post #52 of the "Breaking News" thread.
No, not really. The managers wear shirt tie, and have a coat handy. The
ladies are not allowed to wear jeans or shorts, or very short dresses. Most wear slacks or pants suits. No plunging neck-lines, either. It suits me fine.

TPBM works outside all day....


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