The Person Below Me (TPBM) (1 Viewer)

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Nope, I step on my own feet when I try to dance.

TPBM will tell me which State to move too. Preferably a Conservative leaning, low taxed one!!!
If you're a senior citizen or retired military, Virginia has a lot of perks.
However, some of the cities (Va. Beach, Norfolk, Chesapeake, Portsmouth)
have a very high real estate tax..... and they all have candy-ass city
councils !

TPBM would like to move to a deserted island....

Yes I would!!!! It would be heavily defended as well to keep the unwanteds out!!! (That would be almost everyone).

TPBM thinks I'm getting more ornery as each day goes by;)
Whoops...sorry Mr C!

Can't say that I do....

TPBM dreams about being a pirate like Black Beard, Henry Morgan and Bartholomew Roberts...

Never seen the guy, sorry.

For you my friend this is of course an invitation, whenever you descide to come to the NL once more, please come and visit us.

TPBM will tell what he likes about Alan Rickman

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