The Person Below Me (TPBM) (1 Viewer)

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Nope, can't lose it if you never had it! :) But I jest.

Alan Rickman - was he the bad guy in the original "Diehard" and in the Harry Potter films?

TPBM will know.
Yes, Alan Rickman was in the first Diehard. He was also the Aussie
rancher in Quigley Down Under. IMHO an outstanding actor. He does
quite a big of stage work in the UK, too.

TPBM is a good friend....

I have! Needed it too, was as thin as a rake most of my life. noe comes the painful transition moving it from my gut to my upper chest and arms..!

TPBM dosen't like exercising either
Like to hike and walk, but lifting is not my favorite. Have to bite the bullet and get back into the Gym as soon as my back heals up.

TPBM blood runs brown from excessive Guinness Beer drinking.

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