The Person Below Me (TPBM) (1 Viewer)

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Not really, but I do remember the old black whites of the city police,
and I sure remember the Chrysler "New Yorker's" of the NJ State Police !

TPBM has had a traffic citation recently....

I'm not in the catagory of Minnasota Fat's, but I can do alright...

TPBM knows the difference between pool and billiards....

There really isn't enough space for the explanation. Pool is 8-ball, 9-ball,
rotation and variations of either. Snooker is with 15 red balls and 6 balls
of different colors. The red balls are 1 point each, the others vary from 2 to
7 points each. Billiards is also with red balls, but you have to hit a red ball
before hitting your ball. Now you know....

TPBM would rather play golf....


No way....dont have foul enough language, or even posh enough to pleay golf...

TPBM is a golfer though will try to explain the beauty of the "game"...
I neither agree or disagree..... but I do not play golf. A bunch of grown
men, running all over this great big lawn (read;country club) trying to
get this little ball into a hole in the ground. This is beyond me....

TPBM did some boxing in school

Nope, running raises havoc with my feet and knees. Fast paced hike in the woods is what I like to do.

TPBM has flown over the handlebars of his motorcyle or bicycle more than one time in thier life (I have and it hurts really bad).
Well Charles, if I didn't know better this could be a very naughty suggestion. But I remember you asked it before and no, I don't ride motorbike.

TPBM didn't know a crotch rocket is a motor cycle
Wow, read my mind! Yeah, mines getting old and I really want a Jeep. Nice '78 CJ-7 but I guess I can't be too chosey. Money is tight.

TPBM wants a 4x4 too.

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