The Person Below Me (TPBM) (1 Viewer)

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Not true. But funny as h3ll......... even to someone with Scottish ancestry.
North East South West........ stories from the ...

TPBM is waiting for the Giants to win the series, and Lincecum to get back in the game!!!!
Not at all, we are getting 3 inches of rain, then they have snow foretasted.

TPBM is getting some snow now.
The only rodent I am having a problem with is that red headed on who calls herself the Prime Minister..... don;t get me started!

TPBM is gonna watch The ball game!
Ummm, how many other countries actually compete in the 'World Series'?
I prefer some forms of cricket.

TPBM doesn't go much for competitive sports...
Only some. Like Baseball, Football "grid iron". But I could Never sit out a five day cricket "match", and who ever heard of a "draw" in competitive sport???????

TPBM has the box for GB16 on the table waiting for the bell!

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