The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Like he!!................. last Dr took my prostate! They'll tell you anything to use their knife!

TPBM knows!
you are better off. my dad kept his a little too long...and they werent able to remove it. very painful way to go.

TPBM always looks on the bright side of life....
Normally I do, but since this is a two day work week for me I'm not too bothered.

TPBM has a lot to do and only a little time to do it in.
Yes I do......... it's very quiet in here, Annie at work, me playing with my toys...... good to have her come home tho....

TPBM has 2000 dvds's at home like I do......
I reckon not. Since I'm an Aussie citizen now, I would need Two passports. My US passport has expired...... Not going anywhere soon.

TPBM would hop over in a heartbeat.

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