The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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That could be me... food is seldom forgotten but, when I'm rebuilding a car I get 'lost' in my work and forget time...
I would bet TPBM never forgets a cup of tea.
Cream in tea !!! Great Scott, wars have started over less....milk sir milk.
Tea has kept me sane and is the family cure all..
I wonder if TPBM likes herbal tea?
Hmmm, coffee. In the States, espresso based coffee is a specialty, usually it's drip, in them glass pots.

TPBM prefers espresso coffee.
Not me as I'm not Irish...however. when I was younger there was not enough beer in the world for me to drink.
Does TPBM admit to now preferring soft drinks as at least he/she can remember the night out?
love soft drinks....with a healthy amount of capt morgan rum. i still remember everything that happens...and USUALLY somewhat, sort of,

TPBM doesnt touch alcohol at all.

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