The Person Below Me (TPBM) (4 Viewers)

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What snow?
Not in tropical Plymouth.
A blissful 2 degrees....

My garage/ workshop in my space.
Full of tools, 'things that will come in useful one day', car parts, welders and other lovely male 'toys'...
Does TPBM love their space?
live at leeds....tommy...who's next. yeah used to cry watching townsend bust up the SG special ( his guitar )...i wanted one of those so bad.

TPBM remembers woodstock...and maybe even went there...or at least had the album
Not Woodstock, but lived within shouting distance of the Altamont Speedway and remember seeing heckalopters flying up and down the freeway and people walking from parked cars along I-5 thru Livermore CA. PARTY goers umping off overpasses, campers getting run over, Hell's Angels as security..... now That was a mistake. Landowners walking their fence lines with shotguns!

TPBM missed them all as well.
Nope, told my boss to get fecked a few weeks ago. Retirement for me!!!! HAHAHAHA. But we will try to go somewhere, not the Alps, maybe Perth.

TPBM has a trip planned.

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