The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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If he got rescued in water, aye...

Think that it was when USN pilots (and others perhaps) flew over land and crossed over to open sea...

TPBM has a mile long 'Honey Do' list...
A power nap?
Good idea. 2 hours is a waste of valuable time though...20 minutes is enough to recharge.
What does TPBM do to recharge his/her batteries?
I don't exactly understand it, If I did I'd like it a lot more

TPBM wants to explain how to play cricket.
Nope, not played, but my father in law and wife have Explained it. But boggles the mind how someone can be at bat for hours on end. A century is years not 100 runs! Singles, doubles, fours and Sixes? Dinner breaks? How can a game last 5 days?

TPBM doesn't even want to try and understand.

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