The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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nope, had a gully washer the other day that graciously reseeded my neighbors lawn...with the seed i threw on mine 2 days before!!

TPBM thinks keep a nice looking lawn is highly over rated
Nope, no dog to pick up after in my household, the new neighbors cat has not yet been "taught" to stay off of my lawn yet.

TPBM wonders how you teach a cat to stay off your grass.
We used to have Cavey's and a tortoise when the kids were small.
Great fun but, I prefer our dogs.
A dog's loyalty is a precious thing.
TPBM has a loyal pet...
Yep, I do, her name is Annie and she makes the best scrambled eggs!!!!!! Oh...... sorry..... not that kinda pet....

Nope, no pets allowed here where I live. But we would have Maltese if it was up to Annie.

TPBM has dogs to keep the cats away.
Over here I have to Hunt for Reese's peanut butter cups......... dark chocky!
You are sooo humane Paul

TPBM has his own trick for them stinky tom cats little treasures!
dont have too many near me...they are either snatched up by foxes or coyotes. but after seeing the size of a couple coyotes killed by the side of the road recently I'm not going to let my dogs wander too far towards the woods.

TPBM also has some larger carnivorous animals living near them

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