The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Piece of cake....

'The reason that the E's went to A1A -A1A from B-B, was that the locomotive weight was getting too high for four axles. The EMD A1A trucks were laid out symmetrically, which was not possible with a three motor C truck. One other reason for sticking with two motors per truck on the E's, was that each engine powered a single truck. Transitioning between series and parallel motor connections was easier with just two motors as opposed to three motors. This was not the same issue with the single engine PA, but Alco's first foray into passenger power was the dual engine DL-109, which had the same issues with transition as the E units.

It was simpler to use re-geared F units for mountain use than converting E's to C-C's'....

WTF it actually means TPBM may know.
wheres the fun in that? why pay perfectly good hard earned cash for something when instead i can be completely frustrated and exasperated for free?

TPBM has no clue what i am talking about
Ummm.well, sort of.
I'm not allowed to play with Gas until I get my Corgi certificate.......BOOOM, oh that'll be Readie changing the Gas Fire in a customers house.
TPBM needs certificates to do his work
Ah, but whenever is a son in law good enough for a daughter or a daughter in law good enough for a son?
Upset the in laws and you lose your daughter/son.
does TPBM agree?
The seal is broken, the first lot are gone.... but it would be like beating a dead horse..... Did I say That??????

TPBM knows better than to open old wounds. Unlike ME!

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