The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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depends on what the bargain is.... i have accumulated too much stuff over my years and its time to start getting rid of "stuff".

TPBM needs to let go of some treasures aquired over the years also..
Yes I do. In my case it's sign painting and calligrapy books and art pieces. I've got a few kits I gotta free myself of as well.

TPBM is in the same leaky boat.
I do have just such a store of 'things that may come in useful one day'...whether differentials, steering racks and brake parts from cars I had 20 years ago qualifies as 'useful' I leave up to you do decide.:)
My wife says am I an incurable hoarder.
Hoard on I say.
TPBM agrees.....
see eye to eye as much as it is possible for the 2 different genders to. but it took 37 years..

TPBM thinks i am fooling myself...the reality is she has "trained me" well over all those years.

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